HNC Agriculture, Animal Care and Advanced Forestry Students Debuting Digital Classroom

Certificate in Forestry LO1 Presentations

As mentioned within our previous blog post, the Certificate in Forestry students presented their slick and researched Tree Identification Learning Outcome 1 presentations.

With each team taking their turn in presenting their LO1 Sway presentations, a Socrative poll was carried where a score was provided for certain criterion, including style and format of presentation.

The winning team for the Tree Identification LO1 Sway presentation…..the Yellow Team:

This cohort of students are already planning and developing their team-based Tree Identification  LO2 and LO3 Sway e-Portfolio, which will be submitted to Moodle to be peer-reviewed by another team, which will take place in the Digital Classroom.

More on this coming soon!

Advance Certificate in Forestry & Arboriculture

This particular online Tree Identification Unit within Moodle has been adjusted accordingly for the Advanced Certificate in Forestry & Arboriculture students. These students have already been introduced to the Kirkmichael Digital Classroom, as well as providing a sneak peak into the Tree Identification online Moodle course. The students are extremely eager to get started within the Digital Classroom and the ‘comprehensible’  and interactive online Tree Identification Unit within Moodle.

This cohort of students will start their Tree Identification Unit within the Digital Classroom on the morning of Monday 29th of October 2018.

Again, more news on this as it happens!

HNC Animal Care

Analysis, Design and Development phases are in near completion for the HNC Animal Care Small Animal Husbandry Unit. The project team (Ali Hastie, e-Learning Developer and Claire Hodgkins, Animal Care lecturer) have targeted Learning Outcome 2 from the new Small Animal Husbandry Unit.

With this particular Learning Outcome, individual students are to plan, design and implement an enrichment program for their chosen animal. As an icebreaker and fostering deeper learning, each team within the Digital Classroom will be provided with their own PowerPoint presentation template. Each PowerPoint template has a specific animal and within each slide the student teams are asked to research and provided specific evidence for each question. Each team will present their findings within the Digital Classroom.

Image above: Yellow team’s PowerPoint presentation template

Once the presentation phase has taken place, keeping within their teams, students will start work on their individual LO2 assessments covering:

  • Part A: Prior Record of Animal Behaviour – This will include the students providing a short professional edited video that monitors and records the behaviour of their chosen Animal prior to enrichment. This video will be embedded within the individual student’s Mahara (e-Portfolio) page.
  • Part B: Implementation of Enrichment Program – The students will produce their individual Mahara based Journals (which will be embedded within a Mahara page) with image evidence displaying the design, building and the implementation stages of their enrichment device.
  • Part C: Post Record of Animal Behaviour –  The individual students are required to produce a professional short edited video which records the behaviour of the animal once the enrichment device has been implemented. The students are also required to produce a written report which assesses the impact of the enrichment on the animals behaviour. Both video and written report will be embedded within the student’s individual Mahara page.

The students individual Part A, Part B and Part C Mahara pages with embedded digital evidence for Learning Outcome 2 will eventually be submitted to Moodle for assessment.

Student teams during Digital Classroom sessions (and out with) will support each other’s enrichment programs and the technologies utilised throughout LO2, such as video editing Apps and Mahara.

We will keep you posted of this exciting initiative!

HNC Agriculture

Donald Brown (Agriculture lecturer) will debut the Kirkmichael Digital Classroom on Monday 29th of October 2018 with is HNC Agriculture students.

These HNC students will group up into four teams and will be allocated a category of livestock diseases; bacteria, virus, parasite and metabolic. The four teams will carry out research on a minimum of 4 important diseases within their allocated subject while in the Digital Classroom. The teams will store their researched digital evidence within a team-based collaborative Padlet wall.

Once the teams have completed their Padlet wall, their lecturer will approve the researched information in which the teams will then export their digital evidence to their newly created team-based Microsoft Sway presentation.

Very similar to the Certificate in Forestry Tree Identification project, these Sway presentations will be submitted to Moodle to be peer-reviewed by another team. Though, with this particular scenario, the lecturer will provide marks for the peer-reviewers on the quality of their review. A group award will be presented to the team accumulating the most marks.

More coverage of the HNC Agriculture students within the Kirkmichael Digital Classroom coming soon!

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